Buried pipeline corrosion principlePipeline buried, due to differences in the structure of the metal itself or different environments, such as the soil water content, oxygen content, salt content and other factors, resulting in different parts of the metal has a different potential. Negative potenti...
RCEP is the abbreviation of English RegionalCom - prehensiveEconomicPartnership.It is the first regional economic integration cooperation proposed by ASEAN countries in recent years and led by ASEAN. It is a form of organization in which member countries open their markets to each other and implemen...
anticorrosion measures    Water transport is one of the five major transportation systems, and ships are the main tools for water transportation. However, due to the long-term navigation of ships in the ocean, corrosion occurs to varying degrees by the erosion of various corrosiv...
Ribbon magnesium alloy sacrificial anode, also known as magnesium ribbon, is a widely used material in the field of cathodic protection. Cathodic protection is a technique for preventing corrosion of metals by attaching a more active metal to the protected metal structure, causing it to corrode as a...
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