Ribbon magnesium alloy sacrificial anode, also known as magnesium ribbon, is a widely used material in the field of cathodic protection. Cathodic protection is a technique for preventing corrosion of metals by attaching a more active metal to the protected metal structure, causing it to corrode as a...

Pipeline energization potential measurement is a commonly used electrochemical measurement method, which measures the potential of each ...

Pipeline disconnection potential measurement is an important step to ensure the safe operation of pipelines, which helps to assess the corrosion condition of pipelines, predict possible failures, and take timely maintenance measures. This paper will detail the methods, steps and precautions for pipe...
Let's focus on the cathodic protection of the outside and inside of the tank bottom plate. As an important chemical storage equipment, the safety and reliability of storage tanks are highly valued. In the production process of storage tanks, cathodic protection technology is widely used in the corro...
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